Thursday, December 5, 2013

Blueberry Apple Crisp Freezer Test

I updated my Blueberry Apple Crisp Post.  But since no one is probably going back to look, just thought I'd let you know.

I took one of the frozen kits I made out and thawed it in the fridge, then dumped it into a 9x13.  Baked it up and gave it a try.  Not bad!  Not as good as fresh though, in my opinion. 

The benefit is that it only took about 10 seconds and NO dishes what-so-ever to have this dessert in the oven!  (and that counts for a lot in my book...), but the drawback is that the texture of the apples was a bit softer than I like.  The fresh version is more firm, and less juicy.  The frozen one tasted the exact same, but the apple texture was much softer, and there was more liquid in the bottom of the pan. 

So, bottom line:  if you are serving this with ice cream, it probably makes no difference at all.  But if you want the apple crisp to be the star of the show, it would be better to make it fresh. 

I think from now on I might compromise and make up kits with just the topping, and the blueberries.  Then when I go to bake it, just use fresh apples.

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