Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Comment on Comments

I've noticed that it's difficult to comment on my blog, because you have to have a registered ID of some sort, such as a google e-mail account...well, I've attempted to fix that problem! 

I changed some settings to allow anyone to comment.  That should make it easier.  You should be able to just select "name/URL" and just pick a name.  You can use your real name if you like, or a pseudonym like "JellyDonut", or "BroccoliFan" :)  Or, you could select "anonymous". 

I've also set up word verification to exclude pesky robot comments, and also enabled moderation, so that I will be able to view and approve all comments before they post live on the blog.  So there will be a little delay, but worth it to avoid spam. 

Let me know how this works, and I'll keep tweaking things to fix any problems as they arise.

Hope this helps!


  1. Just testing to see how the new moderation setting works...luv, JellyDonut
