Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Applesauce and Tomato time: Apple Variety Chart

Hey guess what?  I just found the coolest thing: an apple variety chart.  I'll link the pdf so you can print it if you like, right here.  The first 6 pages are the ones you might want to print, as they are a quick glance chart to see what apples are best for which purpose.

Apples season is here.  I bought a nice bag of Galas at the farmers market today for $4.

This weekend the whole family is going to get wrangled into some peeling, coring, and slicing.  Into the pot the apples must go, with some cinnamon, for some spicy, chunky apple sauce.  A good friend and I, once-upon-a-time, took our (then) preschool-age kids apple picking in a friend's orchard, then spent the afternoon canning applesauce while the kids played.  It was such a fun day.  I'll never forget it.  My dear friend liked to use apple juice concentrate, instead of sugar and water, to sweeten the applesauce.  It was so good like that. 

Tomatoes are ready too--$15. at the  farmers market per box.  So those are going into the canning jars as well.  We use a LOT of canned tomatoes all winter, so time to seize the moment. 

The plan this month is to can as much applesauce and tomatoes, and dehydrate as many apple chips as possible, before I drive my family crazy.

The fact is, we go through SO much applesauce, apple chips, and canned tomatoes around here, that everyone's gonna just have to embrace the process for a while.  It's really worth it in the middle of winter when we want applesauce cups for the lunchbox, and summer-fresh tomatoes for soups and stews.

So...time to get down to work.  Carpe Applem!  I'll post some pics as we go.

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