Friday, August 23, 2013

Salmon Patties for breakfast

Remember the "salmon with pineapple-melon relish" from the other day?  Time to "gather up the fragments" of that meal!  :)

Here's what was left over:  about 2/3 of a piece of salmon, and about 2 or 3 TBSP of the "relish" (Ok that's it.  I'm gonna call it salsa.  It's totally salsa.  And it's driving me nuts to have to keep calling it relish!).

Now, the salmon is "Wild Caught, Copper River, from Alaska", (avoid farmed fish...look for "wild caught" on the label).  I bought it at a local warehouse club, in a big bag, in the freezer section.  The pieces are individually vacuum sealed, and they are quite large, generous pieces.  The price, per piece, ends up being about $3.12.  So if you've got a piece leftover and you don't get back to do something with it in's like opening your wallet and pitching $3.12 straight into the trash can.

One way to deliciously gather up the fragments in this case is to crumble that leftover fish, and add an egg to it to make some salmon patties.  Really, egg and fish are the only essential ingredients here...but you can flavor it however you want.  Today I used a dab of Dijon mustard, a little dollop of mayo, and a sprinkling of gluten free bread crumbs.

Basically you're just gonna fry the things up in a pan.  Top with the leftover pineapple salsa and it's a super-nourishing breakfast.  And super-fast!  This 2/3 of a piece of salmon, I figure, cost me $2.18.  and the egg, (which I pay $3./dozen for, pastured local eggs), cost me a whopping .25 cents.  So for this abundant, nourishing breakfast the total cost was $2.43!  And you know how long it took?  About 5 minutes.
Not the prettiest picture...what can I say, it's early.

Can't beat that deal, price-wise, time-wise, or nourishment-wise, anywhere in town.

So hey, throw your arms around your little-ol-self today...lovingly nourish that one-and-only body you've got.  Chime in and tell us your favorite way to gather up some fragments!

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